Demystifying Blockchain: How to Understand in Simple Terms?

Imagine a digital notebook that keeps a record of all transactions that happen in a particular market. Instead of being owned or managed by one person or company, this notebook is shared among many people (let’s call them “participants”) who each have a copy.

Blocks: Every time a transaction occurs, it gets written down as a new page in this notebook. These pages are grouped together into a “block” of transactions.

Chain of Blocks: Each new block of transactions is connected to the previous one, forming a chain. This connection between blocks ensures that you can’t easily change anything written in the past because it would affect all the blocks that come after it.

Decentralization: Because many people have a copy of this notebook and can see the transactions, it’s harder for someone to cheat or tamper with the records. No single person or company controls it, making it decentralized.

Example: Let’s consider a simplified scenario of tracking ownership of digital art using blockchain. Each time someone buys or sells digital art, a record of that transaction is added to the digital notebook (blockchain). This record includes information like who bought it, who sold it, and the art’s details. This transaction block is then added to the existing chain of blocks, creating a permanent and unchangeable history of ownership.

So, if you want to verify who owns a particular piece of digital art, you could look back through the blockchain to see its entire history of ownership.

Key Points:

Blockchain is like a shared digital notebook where transactions are recorded in blocks and connected in a chain.

It’s decentralized, secure, and transparent because many people have copies of the same information.

Once a transaction is recorded, it’s hard to change or tamper with, ensuring the integrity of the records.

This technology is being explored beyond just digital currencies, with potential uses in various industries to make processes more secure, transparent, and efficient.